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DV Out Loud, Shelli Manning, Survivor Author Speaker Advocate
DV Out Loud Founder, Shelli Manning
DV Out Loud Founder, Shelli Manning with her son Jake. What does it look like to break a generational cycle of dv?

Hi, I'm Shelli. I'm a public speaker and author, and a survivor who's seen domestic violence up close, and from every angle. From child witness to teen victim and finally, cycle-breaker turned author and advocate.  ​I'm a mom, who refused to let her little boy grow up to repeat the generational cycle of domestic violence I'd been trapped in for my entire 23 years of life.   Ten years after I escaped my abuser, I wrote a book about my experience as a teen victim, from ages 17-22, called Little Fish. I've used it as a platform to help empower others and raise both funds, and awareness.   ​ My son is grown now, he rewards me every day for leaving that abusive relationship. He too, has chosen a life free from abuse and toxic patterns. The life he's been able to build for himself is based on good decisions along with healthy relationships and friendships. The path to healing the violence I was exposed to as a child wasn't easy or fast, but therapy does work, if you do. It IS possible to heal. I’ve participated in 200+ hours of therapy, including EMDR, to reprocess the painful memories and resulting subconscious beliefs from witnessing domestic violence as a child. I‘ve done countless hours of self-healer work which has allowed me to successfully manage C-PTSD symptoms and heal a deep-seated cortisol addiction (it‘s like being an addict, where the drug is your own stress hormone and your mind is your dealer). I‘m grateful to live in a state of emotional and nervous system regulation today I never imagined was possible. What‘s even better is knowing the violence ended with me, so my son can have a life built around healthy relationships.

There's a term for people like me...  ​ A TRANSITIONAL CHARACTER is "A person, who, in a single generation, changes the entire course of a lineage. Who somehow finds a way to metabolize the poison and refuses to pass it on to their children. They break the mold. Their contribution to humanity is to filter the destructiveness out of their own lineage so that the generations downstream will have a supportive foundation upon which to build productive lives." - Dr. Carlfred Broderick, PH.D.

I founded DV Out Loud to help break generational cycles of family + partner violence.


By speaking and writing about my own experiences, I'm able to teach and empower others to make healthy choices. Those healthy choices lead to emotionally sound young parents. Those healthy parents raise kids who don't need to heal from their childhoods. 


And that's the whole point. 

Teen Outreach

Teen Outreach Conversation

This presentation is designed to alert high school students to the dangers of abusive relationships, help them to recognize abuse and become more comfortable talking about partner abuse.

It’s also meant to empower teens to make healthy decisions around relationships and friendships, through the lens of their future-self, that they never fall prey to partner abuse in the first place.

$700 includes:

  • Pre-event planning with appropriate staff

  • Opt-out form for parents

  • 45-75 minute presentation for all high school students

    • (tailored for both capacity + scheduling restraints, multiple sessions if necessary)

  • Infographic download with resources for building healthy relationships

  • Follow up communication to students

Roundtable Conversation

Roundtables, i.e. small group discussions w/ select students and/or staff - up to 15 participants.

These 45-60 minute discussions are meant to offer opportunities for detailed and discreet conversations, pertinent to the group. i.e. Staff members may want to have an open discussion on recognizing when students are involved in dangerous relationships, or counselors may have high risk young women in mind, who could benefit from the opportunity to ask relationship questions, etc.

These are add-ons to the Teen Outreach Conversations and can be purchased either individually for $100 each (added during our booking call) or in multiples, by choosing either the Entrust package or Empower package during online booking. 

Please note, you can add additional conversations up to the day of the event. 

Pre-event planning + follow-up

Each Teen Outreach Conversation, as well as the Roundtables, are tailored specifically to your school.

Dating abuse is a big topic, and an hour isn't a long time - so during our planning meeting (also 45-60 minutes,  held online or in person, depending on distance), we'll talk about what issues are most prevalent for your kids, so I can be prepared to make the most impact during our time together. 

During the presentation, students will be encouraged to write down questions, to be asked anonymously, at the end of our session if time allows - but whatever questions we don't get to answer, I will send as a follow up to be shared. 

Little Fish 'Ask the Author' 

Little Fish is a novel based on the time I spent with my abuser, ages 17-22.  It's written as a way to highlight not only the impact of teen dating violence, but the steps taken to get out.


It has served as the platform for my advocacy for 15 years. I'm excited to think of a new generation of readers, young women who will be better prepared to recognize abuse.

The 'Ask the Author' meeting is the opportunity to ask questions after reading Little Fish, whether they're about my story or their own, I'm happy to give the opportunity to make a lasting impact. 

Rated PG-13(includes strong language, violence, brief sexual situations, drinking + implied drug-use)

Jump to Little Fish

If you’d like more information about DV Out Loud Teen Outreach programming for your school, or if you'd like to sponsor a

conversation, please get in touch today.


Sponsor a Teen Outreach Conversation

Branded Sponsor
Recognition Package

What's included
in the BSRP?

No brand?
No problem.

In effort to bring this important conversation to more young people, I’ve created the

Branded Sponsor Recognition Package (BSRP)

It allows community members and businesses to fund a Teen Outreach Conversation at the school(s) of their choice, while receiving recognition and potential tax benefits.*

The BSRP is $400 (in addition to the program cost of $700-$1,100) it includes sponsor’s name + logo included in print and digital media as follows:



  • Presentation deck

  • Infographic download

  • Roundtable materials

  • Parent Notice / Opt-out form

  • Social media: 
     Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook

  • Photo Op at event
    with photo release

  • Applicable Press Releases**

The BSRP is not required in order

to sponsor a Teen Outreach Conversation.

Sponsors who opt out will still:


  • be credited for sponsorship verbally during the event

  • receive certificate of sponsorship + photo op

  • can sponsor anonymously or honor a loved one

* Consult your tax professional for guidance

** I cannot ensure publication of press releases by any media outlet


Water Pollution

about Little Fish

Little Fish is a novel based on the time I spent with my abuser, ages 17-22.  I wrote it ten years after I'd broken free from him, as a way to highlight not only the devastating impact of teen dating violence, but also the steps I eventually took to get out. It has served as the platform for my advocacy for the past 15 years. I'm excited to think of a new generation of readers, young women who will be better prepared to recognize abuse. Later this year, I will be 'deconstructing' it to create future coursework for therapists, who work with victims and survivors of family violence. It's available in both paperback as well as digital download. Coming soon: Bonus materials, to include deleted scenes, real life character photos and 'where are they now' updates.

Coming Soon

Little Fish book back cover image, author Shelli Manning
Little Fish book front cover image
Little Fish book cover text

While books don't having ratings, if they did - Little Fish would be Rated PG-13.

(it includes strong language, violence, brief sexual situations and underage drinking)


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DV Out Loud socials are brand new, so not much to see yet,
but keep an eye out for new content coming soon! 

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